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  3. About ID&PassWord

About Security

XCITY supports SSL/TLS communication always. Uses strong encryption for all pages to send data such as personal information and credit card, you can use our site safely.

Information about our customers is an important part of our business, and we are not in the business of selling it to or sharing it with others.

About ID&PassWord

What do “Log in” and “Log out” mean?

Log in is the procedure when you enter pages for XCITY members. You need to have your log in ID and password that provided when you registered. Although we make every effort to protect your personal information, we encourage you to manage your ID and password by yourselves carefully. Log out is the procedure when you leave pages for XCITY members. You will be logged out automatically if no action is made on logged in pages for a while. However, we recommend you to click “log out” button appearing on the right-top corner on the screen each time, especially if you share the PC with someone else.

Can not login or Enter main page

* If I can not log in, you may not enter the correct, ID and passwords are case-sensitive.Please check. However, if you forgot your login ID and password, you can check here (Forget you Log in ID and/or Password?)

* If you can see the following page starts with “https: / / ~”
If you can see the following page starts with https://regist.xcity.jp/english/member/login.php. You may use older version of WindowsXP service pack.
Please rely on the service pack WindowsUpdate.

* Login button is pressed, the input data is out, and when the login screen
Your PC doesn’t save the Cookie. Please consider the following: Review the settings for Cookie

TOP Page (https://xxx.xcity.jp/) you press “ENTER” button, but not go to main page, this also cause by your PC doesn’t save Cookie for flag “I am over 18” is clicked.
Below, Cookie settings please.
1. Internet Explorer menu “Tools” -> “Internet Options”, “Internet Options,” select “Privacy” tab, click “Default” button. Or go to “Sites” and change to accept cookie on xxx.xcity.jp.
2. If the above does not work, please check the security software such as Norton Internet Security does not block to save Cookie.

I’m a little tired of entering ID and password whenever I log in.

When you enter your ID and password on XCITY log in page, check the box of “Save the password”. From next time, you don’t have to enter them when you log in. Additionally, some browsers have their own services to save the password automatically.

I forget my log in ID. What can I do?

Please see here and follow the instruction.

I forget my password. What can I do?

Please see here and follow the instruction.

How can I change my personal information, such as the email address or nickname?

Go to “Change your profile” on MyXCITY page. You can change your personal information except log in ID. Your log in ID can be changed only if you use your email address as your log in ID.